Saturday, 29 October 2011

The strangest sense of deja-vu!

Title: Something Borrowed
Year: 2011
Synopsis: It's a chick flick, therefore plot is fairly predictable. Friends Darcy and Rachel are like totally bffs and share everything, including Darcy's fiancee Dex who happens to be Rachel's friend from law school and someone she's been completely in love with for ever. Includes hangers on Marcus (the kid-at-heart who travels round on a skateboard and leeches onto the laydees with a pathetic story about nursing a chipmunk back to health) and Rachel's other bestie Ethan who is totally in love with Rachel too. Complicated? Not as much as it sounds.

Why are you writing a review of this terribly predictable love fest I hear you groan? Well, it's because it is an actual almost-perfect clone to the 2009 hit 'Bride Wars' it even has two of the same actors. Kate Hudson who plays Darcy, and Steve Howey who plays Marcus. Kate actually ends up with Marcus in the film, and married Steve in Bride Wars also.

The majority of the film is also based around Darcy's wedding, and she is by far the most dominant of the two friends just like BWs. Rachel, just like Emma in BWs is a pushover, who takes so much BS from Darcy/Liv until at last they both pop which results in friendships being ended over wedding issues, and of course men.

I've recently been introduced to a new concept for watching movies. It's called the Bechdel test, and it's truly eye opening, this is a woman who will only watch a movie if it satisfies three basic requirements.
1. There are at least two named female characters who,
2. talk to each other about
3. something other than a man.

This pretty much narrows it down to a handful of films, and to be perfectly honest, I break the rules with most films I watch but it certainly makes you think.

So, back to Something Borrowed. Not that there's much else to say, Darcy admits to Rachel she's cheating on Dex, who happens to be in Rachel's apartment at the same time. Sees Dex's coat on the side, finally puts two and two together and the jig is up. No wedding, Darcy is pregnant by Marcus (with whom she has been cheating) Rachel and Dex get together and poor old Ethan, (remember him? The poor bestie who is in love with Rachel - well he gets shot down) is left alone in London to dwell on the fact that he supported Rachel in her decision to pursue her dream to be with Dex.

Phew, soap opera drama or what?! Still I have to admit, if you're looking for something to pass the time, some noise in the background, or a Saturday morning flick to watch in your fleecy PJs with a bag of imported milk chocolate pretzel flips (no, of course that's not how I just watched it...) then this is probably the film for you.

A paltry and predictable love-fest, and not forgetting Kate's manic "I HATE YOU" eyes. 5/10.

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